This week’s WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge is to get a little closer to our subjects. It was a great challenge to take on during our hike at Annadel as there were so many wonderful things to get close up to! Check out more great close ups here!
Sonoma Coast Sunset

It’s hard to handle seeing this kind of beauty every day! It’s even harder deciding which photos capture the essence of the moment in time we are trying to keep forever. It was Valentine’s day recently and since the hubs and I really don’t celebrate just 1 single day of loving each other (shouldn’t we be […]
Jenner Serenity for the Soul

Serenity, the state of being calm and peaceful. This past weekend we had some crazy waves along the northern coast of California and amazingly warm weather so of course I had to charge up the camera and head to the coast! Santa Rosa is less than an hour to the coast, not too far to […]
Nature Lover

Did you see me on the side of the road, top down (the car top not mine!), standing on the seat of my car poised and ready to take fall foliage shots of a gorgeous winery in Sonoma? Did you laugh as you drove by or think to yourself ‘wow! I’d love to get that […]

Weekly Photo Challenge, refraction. In the process of learning the art of photography and loving it!