If you have a dog, please take them on this hike! Dog’s get to walk off leash under voice control and you get some amazing views! The hubs and I needed to cut our east bay hike short so we only got to do 2.5 miles of this beautiful place and can’t wait to go […]
Chasing Sails – Urban Hike Around the Bay

An urban hike you say? Exploring the city at 3 miles per hour and no traffic?? This hadn’t been something we had really thought about prior to our conversation with a native Sonoman a few weeks ago. As we were clearing out blackberry bushes from the trails during a trail work day at Helen Putnam […]
Bald Mountain

360 degree views from 2,729 feet above the Sonoma Valley floor out of the fog and in the sunshine with no one around but dragonflies and soaring vultures. AMAZING day!! We had a hard time believing what we were seeing. I know I keep thinking “this hike is the most picturesque hike” but seriously they all […]
Muir Woods a Tree Lover’s Monument

I love that my future grandkids will be able to see the same redwoods that we saw on our visit to Muir Woods! So grateful for our national monuments, state and county parks that preserve the natural environment for everyone to enjoy for years to come. We had attempted going to Muir Woods last year […]
Shiloh in fall

We are finally official trail walker volunteers for Sonoma County Parks! We met with the nicest ranger on Sunday at Shiloh Regional Park in Windsor for our field orientation and got to hiking right away. The hubs and I had been looking for something to volunteer in the community that was flexible enough to fit in […]