As the hubs and I hiked through this beautiful little hidden gem within the California State Park system I thought to myself, ‘I hope one day my grand kids find this little blog of mine and are inspired to get outside and see what we have seen’. Thankfully this park will be saved for our […]
South Bay
Escape to Montara Mountain – San Mateo County

Sometimes we need to escape reality to deal with reality. The hubs and I have been escaping to beautiful places since we have moved to the North Bay but now more than ever do we need to unplug and get out and enjoy nature. Montara Mountain is a wonderfully diverse hike from shady eucalyptus to […]
Quiet Giants – Portola Redwoods – South Bay

Have you tried to hug a giant redwood tree? No? Definitely add this to your bucket list and head on over to Portola Redwoods CA State Park! I am not sure why we continue to be surprised by all the open space in and around the bay area but we are. We feel so lucky […]