If you were asked which hike is your favorite right now…what would you say? Could you decide? I know I would have a very difficult time! Possibly the one where we saw solar halos, a hummingbird mating dance, and Osprey’s in their nests along with waterfalls and gorgeous views of Mt Tamalpais. But who can […]
Marin County
Muir Woods a Tree Lover’s Monument

I love that my future grandkids will be able to see the same redwoods that we saw on our visit to Muir Woods! So grateful for our national monuments, state and county parks that preserve the natural environment for everyone to enjoy for years to come. We had attempted going to Muir Woods last year […]
Olompali SHP

Palm trees, Grateful Dead, Chinese Cedar trees, Miwok Indians, Dentist, historic battle, giant Madrones, dairy barn, hippie commune and hiking. Did I get your attention yet? Normally we are flying through this area of the 101 just north of San Francisco to get from point A to point B…or sitting in the 101 north parking lot for hours on […]