Two hikes and three beaches! Then 2 elk, 5 deer, tons of cows and just a few people…Enjoyed a couple hikes over the weekend out at Point Reyes National Seashore and felt like we not only escaped the heat but the city as well!
Early in the morning we got ready and anticipated a long hike and stocked up on snacks but maybe should have also finished the coffee! We had intended on one 7 mile hike but somehow missed the well marked but confusing correct turn on the trail. The hubs and I found the Muddy Hollow trail head just fine and set off on what we thought would be an interesting hike. Interesting indeed! Especially when we hit the beach when I didn’t think we were going to see it up close. Well, that’s what happens when you don’t read the signs they put up for you 🙂 It was well worth the mishap though! Limantour Beach was beautiful!
Soft sand beneath our feet, fog slowly disappearing, waves crashing and hardly anyone in sight…perfect spot for our snack. Now the big decision, go back up the trail and find the correct one and take that for another 6 miles (on top of about what would be 3.5 miles once the sign was read correctly) or finish off the short 4.5 mile hike and find another short one to do. We opted for the latter. On the way back we turned a corner and there was this calm deer munching on the leaves of plants along the trail. She could care less that we were there taking pics of her, she was happy to be chowing on the good stuff! After several pics we slowly moved toward her so we could pass and she casually stepped off the trail and watched us pass waiting for it to be safe to nibble again.
Our next trail down to Home Bay proved to be full of animals! The hubs and I were able to see 2 Tule Elk in the distance eating something in the trees on our way down to the bay. I so badly wanted to see one a little closer, not super close but close enough to see more detail. It was low tide so the bay was quiet. We had another snack and started off back up the hill. As we walked up to the secret forest part of the trail the bushes started moving (I think I might have let out a small scream) and 4 deer jumped out onto the trail, saw us and scattered. The baby deer was confused as to which way to go so we stayed still to let her figure it out before we kept walking.
Point Reyes has several working ranches and this trail head was part of one with hows roaming freely. I seriously had to refrain from reaching out and petting the adorable cows! Off to our next adventure on Point Reyes, Chimney beach, where we could see the Elephant Seals.
Have you heard an elephant seal? It sounds like my brother belching. It’s crazy to hear! They are protected along the shore and you can only view the colony from an overlook but that is good enough. Not only are they loud belchers but they are quite large creatures! It was great to see them in their natural habitat. We are always amazed at how close to a large city we are but feel so far away from civilization.
If you have an opportunity to explore the gorgeous Point Reyes National Seashore make a few trips….there’s just too much beauty to be seen in only 1 day!
Enjoy the pics below!
Do you and your hiking buddy have good conversations on the trail? Share in the comments below if you like!
My “Aha” conversation with the hubs on the trail this time was a live feed to the cows and voice over commentaries of what I think they are saying. Don’t judge, you know you would totally watch that! 🙂